Rytha Rytha Lew Chiu Min 劉秋敏 21/06/1994 lionheaddragonclaw@hotmail.com Nan Chiau Primary School(graduated) Peicai Secondary School 4F '10 Female Past Interact Club President NCC(Sea) Staff Sergeant Kayaker Adidas Lover [In my world, take backs only happen once.] [You found my blog? Good, that means you know where you stand.] |
I have a mouth for a reason
a monster that make boys cry | |
Friday, January 29, 2010 4:52 AM
It has been quite a long time since I put up a post. So I'm going to do one now. Well, Valentine's day is coming close, and I'm really looking forward to it. For many guys, this is a good day, because you'll be getting something from me. Especially my cute little Jekjan, because your birthday is coming, so you'll be getting 2!! Yays!! Also, I'm expecting something also, I hope. I'm not the only girl in the world. I haven't gotten anything for Valentine's day for my whole life, so I hope this year is different.Also, I was hoping to post some pictures on my blog about Justin's birthday chalet. It was AWESOME. Anyone who wants the pictures, I already tagged. And you can go check it out on his facebook or mine. It was totally awesome. When we went to Wild wild wet, it was totally fun. It may only be my second time in, but it was totally fun. It was really memorable. I'm catching up in school also, for the first month of school, it ain't that bad, to be able to catch up that fast. I shall listen to Arthur and get my time right. Oh, and Arthur shocked me with his dance. AWESOME. I was like WOW. And the people were really funny. And I was sitting there observing you guys, so I wasn't bored, don't worry kor^^ Great that you got into Temasek^^ Also, I have noticed many of my friends aren't going through nice times, even if I can't see it happening. I was awakened just today when Lisa was talking to me. I mean, it isn't fair of me to concern myself only to the parts obvious to me. I should be concerning myself to the non obvious, because it's what matters the most, because it's what people are hiding, to make sure you can't see their tears. I may be really kaypo about other people, but it's really because I want to know because I care. I want people to open up, not close up. I wish people would talk more and say more so that we might worry less and be more secure and close to each other. I just want everyone to be happy, that's all. Am I really to bothered about others that I don't wish to bother about myself? Should I stop? I can't get myself to. Maybe I'll just continue till I piss people off. You never know if a listening ear helps. And I don't get something. How come people who don't care about those around them, can care so much about celebrities? About how they look? But can't see anything right in their face which needs help? It's really stupid, and I can't believe there are so many of them in this world. Knowing some people like that, I don't get it. All of them are really jerks in life, but what can I do? Sit and wait. But it's ok. Idols are ok, but obsessive over a celebrity is stupid. Good for the celeb though, but it's just dumb. But nevermind, I don't want to care about guys who are dumb. Because they're just dumb(: I have one last thing to say to everyone, and maybe some people should apply it.STANDARDS STANDARDS STANDARDS. Meet them. We love getting waken up by your sister at 2.30 in the morning and being unable to go back to sleep. Tuesday, January 12, 2010 12:00 AM
![]() Well, I've been reading through my past posts. Never noticed it has all been about me. Ben was somewhat caring much more about the ones around him. I have been in many mood swings and also a lot of problems. But I haven't really noticed, are the people around me having more or less problems then me? Are their well being ok? Or are they suffering around? We're fortunate, so why not take it as a gift or a blessing or luck that we're all healthy, we're all doing well, in our own ways, and that life ain't that bad? At least I know a few of my problems are getting fixed on their own. Like the stupid problems that mess my time table up. The study thing, still getting fixed. Not confirmed whether I'll do well this year. My basis for last year was really weak. Going into mugging mode soon. Need loads of help. Had a good inspiration to buck up, after the scores for O's came out for school. Btw, Joseph, remember our deal. He'll break up 2 weeks tops. I'm certain, no need confirmation. I've been with him long enough to know(: Anyway, this next comment, I hope won't insult or make you feel uncomfortable, Ben Wong. As you know, the both of you, YS and JK, he looks sooooo much like my ex. It's a chore to not like him. You know what the feeling's like right? And he's got lots of good traits, so it's hard to not like you. It's lucky I'm used to being around guys, so it ain't that hard to resist. A random question: Are you afraid of falling in love? It would be a good topic to start a conversation on. I mean seriously, boys getting heart broken, girls getting heart broken, the drama replays on and on. It's usual to see it, but it's how people react. And since we're born with our own emotions, we can't really change to suit others much. I can feel lots of pain while you can easily numb it off by playing around with another person's feelings. People are all different. But the bad thing is that everyone is treated the same. I mean fairness plays a part too, but what about the minority who are having difficulties? We're faced with the same situations that don't put us in a good place. Giving some good leeway for the different or unique would help us so much more, if only the world knew. Change for the better, not because it's the best for you, but for those that need your help so much more than you can offer. I guess I should stop before I sink my post in words. Seriously, take me seriously, unless you find that some things don't make you feel comfortable. And I just changed my blog recently, so the cbox might take a while to load and the rest are still taking some time. Well, that's all I have to say. Oh, and the school locker sucks. We love hugging DAVE!!! Friday, January 1, 2010 8:44 PM
Yes, it's the next decade. I at least had a fun time with my friends before the decade ended. But not so much when it striked 12 midnight. Bad day at home. Wish we all had the money to continue the night through. Sad we couldn't though. Well, let's see the good stuff that passed. Ben created a blog, AWESOME(: My problems have yet not been solved, but at least I know I have friends around me who care about me loads. And I managed to send HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my facebook friends. AWESOME(: And I'm getting over stupid stuff that kept my life backwards. AWESOME(:Anyway, I'm just going to make some resolutions for the next year onwards, but they'll only be temporary because I don't really know what to wish for now. 1. Get at least all passes in my O's. 2. Get my life scheduled back in order, if not it's going to kill me. 3. Score at least passes during term 1 to get back on my feet so that I can finish my Interact Club nicely. 4. Get my beautiful dark chocolate brown hair back so that I'll be happy with myself again. 5. Save enough money to buy a trumpet by november for my own present to celebrate. 6. Eat lesser carbohydrates, because I'm already underweight and still fat>.< 7. Get some proper sleep, even if Chem is a lullaby class and staying up late to help people with their life situations have to be minimised. 8. Create a story. About all of us. Devoting in it all my memories(: 9. Naval Diving Unit!!! 10. Grow just a little taller? Even if it's impossible? God help me?? Anyways, just hope that I can fulfill all these, and hope I have the perseverance to do well. I also don't want relationship problems to crop up that it makes me worry, like the past 2 years that killed my exams real bad. NCC has gotta wait a little more this time. I can't cope so much, but I really want my Master's. I deserve it. And I gotta tell more stories to Ben WOO!!. Because he can learn new things about other people. It's good. And plus, he can teach me bio. That's good. Well, the next story I'll talk about is about a Thankful Attitude. That's all about it. First day of school was killer. Mr Sia ain't around anymore. WOOTS!! Well, I'll just be happy with what I have now. School looks like shit, and I hate homeroom, even though I think the teachers deserve it. Ok, I'll be going to sleep soon, I guess, before insomnia hits tomorrow. We love "JELLY AND DOGS" the movie!! |
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