Rytha Rytha Lew Chiu Min 劉秋敏 21/06/1994 lionheaddragonclaw@hotmail.com Nan Chiau Primary School(graduated) Peicai Secondary School 4F '10 Female Past Interact Club President NCC(Sea) Staff Sergeant Kayaker Adidas Lover [In my world, take backs only happen once.] [You found my blog? Good, that means you know where you stand.] |
I have a mouth for a reason
a monster that make boys cry | |
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 9:11 PM
Haha. Sorry for the late entry of the posts. Sometimes I think I say sorry to many times just because I do not post my blog on time. Now, it's time to tell the tale. Of very long story. Or, sort of:) ... I was kayaking at Changi Water Venture. Went there with Kai Xuan. Actually others wanted to go, but last minute told me they didn't want to or their parents didn't allow them. So we went there on our own. We met Tricia on the way there. Had some preparation before going out to see. Saw alot of hot guys there. Woots. Muscular and cute, and also quite smart. Can't say much of all that though, because we set sail before they did. And they were still there waiting for another group of people. Went through 1 and a half hour kayak and reached Pasir Ris Water Venture, which is at Pasir Ris Park. After we reached the beach, I quickly got out and started drinking my 100+. Muahaha... Was sooooo thirsty... ![]() ![]() HAPPY 7TH ANNIVERSARY DEAR!!!! ...So we made our way back. A bad storm was already brewing and we saw fires coming out of hdb flats at Pasir Ris. I was getting so scared as I thought that dear's house was near there. There were 3 fires going on. And when we were further off, another fire started. Well, I tried to reassure that dear would be ok, and he is! ... Well, on our way back, we found alot of dead fish. I picked up afew, and wanted to bring them back to Changi Beach to dig them a grave. I hope that all animals can die a peaceful death.
You have no idea how painful it was. Well, let's explain. They couldn't use any large object to get it out because it was stuck under the skin, so they had to use a bobby pin to pull it out first, then use nail clippers to pull the rest of the claw out. From that point onwards, I couldn't feel my foot. Just that there was pressure on it. I couldn't feel my toes.....0.0 ... After we bathed, and cleaned up, we left for Changi Village. Had to thank the guys for pulling in all the kayaks including mine, because my leg was immobile. They had a small meal of Nasi Lemak at the Changi Village before we all left for our designated places. ... I went to my god bro's house for a game of tennis. Actually needed to take care of my brother in the swimming pool, but they forgot to bring the float, so what the heck. I carried on playing my game. And when the balls flew out of the court, they all landed in the drain. Brian, being a smart alec, threw the wet balls at me, knowing that I am wearing a singlet and fbt, the balls landed on my arm and face. OHHHHH!!!! But I had to say sorry to him when I accidentally hit the tennis ball to his face and caused his specs to fall. I am really sorry about that. So it was my turn to take the balls. It was totally wet and soggy and full of moss. I couldn't take it so I went back into the court. (Compare the red ball with the tennis ball, and the blue guy is Brian aka Nadal. haha) Brian was playing with my racket aka "Big P". I told him it was a lucky racket but the player using it will be quite unlucky. It was true, and quite believable. Because when he was volleying the balls, he did quite a good job. But some balls hit him when Big P was facing the other side of the court. Well, maybe it was just a lucky racket. Sad to see the P going to fly away when I have to get the racket restringed. Oh, and we were playing with this red colour ball we found in the other court, so it was quite funny. They left after a small game, and my family and my god bro's family went to have dinner at the nearby kopitiam. After dinner, we returned home and I just dropped to sleep. Too tired to say anything else............. ... Well, I should end soon. It's so late now, I'm going to get some sleep. Tomorrow is Montfort's Investiture, so I'm going to be going there and bear through a long talk and a small walk around the school. I'll just end with a song. ... Everybody's got something they had to leave behind One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time There's no use looking back or wondering, how it could be now or neither been All this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go ... I never had a dream come true, till the day that I found you And even though that I pretend that I've moved on, you'll always be my baby I never found the words to say, cause you're the one I think about each day And I know no matter where love takes me to, a part of me will always be with you ... Somewhere in my memory, I lost all sense of time And to tomorrow can never be, cause yesterday is all that fills my mind There's no use looking back or wondering, how it should be now or neither been Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let yo go ... I never had a dream come true, till the day that I found you Even though I pretend that I've moved on, you'll always be my baby I never found the words to say, you're the one I think about each day And I know no matter where love takes me to, a part of me will always be... ... You'll always be the dream that fills my head (yes you will, say you will, you know you will, baby) You'll always be the one I know(I'll never forget) There's no use looking back or wondering, because love is a strange and funny thing No matter how I try and try I just can't say goodbye No no no no ... I never had a dream come true, till the day that I found you Even though I pretend that I've moved on, you'll always be my baby I never found the words to say, you're the one I think about each day And I know no matter where love takes me to, a part of me will always be A part of me will always be with you ... We love songs!!! Labels: Thanks for all that you've done for me. I just needed to feel the warmth Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:06 PM
I've been going out or being busy, so these pictures will help cut short the story, I think. Well, here it goes...... I went to some war memorial at City Hall. Very weird cab driver. He kept talking to me about the total defence thingy. Well, he was a nice man. Hope he gets lots of business. Then we were there taking pictures. Many turned up in their no.4 uniform. Wish I could go in my uniform. It would be soooooo grand. ... After the event, the few of us went to have breakfast in City Hall. BENJAMIN, YOU STILL OWE ME $5.50!!! Then we made our way towards the bowling alley at the other building. Benjamin left already, so Wei Han, Kimberly, Jor Yeong, Faris and played. Jor yeong didn't want to play and we also didn't have enough money, so only the 4 of us played. But the funny thing was, when I tried taking videos of them playing, only one turned out bad. The others all scored well for their throws. And this was how it went... I look like I'm in a twisted position, having an umcomfortable time. This was Wei Han with his shot. It merely missed the left pin and went into the gutter. Felt sad for him when it rolled in slowly..... I think it was affected by the man standing on the right.... This time his shot was better. Only 1 pin was left standing. He got the highest score for the first round. Kimberly played quite well too. As you can see, Jor Yeong was just standing there and being a pain in the ass for everyone when we were trying to score well. Kimberly striked well too. Good for her:) This time, it is Faris. He scored well, and missed only one pin. He nearly spared. Haha. Seems like his reaction was bigger than any of ours. Super funny. ... Lastly, it was my shot. I got someone to help video, as I know this might be the only time I am spending time with my friends. So I might as well take a momento. Well, as you can see, I say thank you toooooooo many times. So I am addicted to saying stuff like this all the time. Pardon me if you really cannot stand me saying sorry or anything. And I remembered someone swung the ball behind, and it flew out of his hand and the ball suay suay hit my right hand. ... These were the scores for the 2 rounds... ... We later made our way to Vivo to meet another friend. I forgot the person's name, but we did have a fun time. Made our way to Daiso first then had fun in the water. After that, we played truth or dare. Used the bottle of tennis balls and spinned it. Found a funny fact that Faris only liked girls with the name starting with C. Crystal... Cristabel... Cherie... Then we left for our destinations. And I went to have tennis with my god bros and Alvin and the gang. Feel like saying Alvin and the chipmunks... ... We had fun. And I was playing so hard until my racket started to turn black. I'm getting slower with my serves, I'm not really sure why. And I finally found out why Kalesh hits the ball so low until I have to bend till I fall to the ground. Haha. Should have seen me fall. Kept falling and falling on m side, so I look like I am a sarcastic person trying to make a joke. I had such a fun time, until I noticed that the soles of my shoes have turned blue because I was sliding too much on the court. And my left shoe is wearing out much quicker than my right. Going to get new ADI SPEED shoes soon, I think. I went to find dear on monday too. Went to see him swim at his swimming class. Was trying to pretend not to know him, but it was very hard because I really had nothing better to do, and what's more, I was in my no4. I had IMT before fetching dear, and I'm very happy because even though it was a right handed rifle, I still managed to get marksman. I'm so happy. Woots!!!! But going back to the topic, I was some sort of a centre of attraction. And my nametag was super bloody obvious, so I was found out by dear's friends very easily. I got bored, so I took a picture of my boots. Got really nothing better to do...... ... Think I will be resting soon. Hope montfort's investiture runs well, because I'LL BE COMING!!! So look out, I'll be monitoring you guys' actions and how well you can plan it. And LOOK OUT AKE!!! HERE I COME!!! ... We love AKE!!! Labels: I wish to buy you the red one^^ Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:10 PM
Haha. I know many of my friends had very good valentine's days, but also many of my friends had quite bad valentine's days. Well, let's just say that I had my own, and it was really nice. Let's see how it started...... Well, my dad fetched me to tennis class today, then I went in first because I didn't know where the parking lots were and how to enter the building when in the car. So I thought my father would have left already, but he actually still came and saw me playing tennis. We were playing cat on the hill. During that time, I only had 4 lives left. Lucky when my dad came, even though I was really really tense, I tried my best, and well, I served more shots without dying than usual. Seems like when people are under stress, and they are put in a situation, you really have to control yourself. And those wondering what my dad said to me when he asked me to go out, he just told me I was doing good and gave me some money. I think he wanted me to celebrate my own valentine's day well when he heard love songs on the radio and started humming to them. And I left class early to get back to school. I took a one hour bus to Serangoon. ... But I recieved a call from my teacher that the meeting today was cancelled, and postponed till tomorrow. So that was around 1pm. I was still in the bus, so might as well take the bus all the way to my dear's school and meet him for valentine's day. So the bus took about another 15 minutes to reach. ... Sadly, when I reached there, David got angry at dear(again!) because dear was all around shouting vulgarities and also pointing his middle finger(again!). Then they also missed the taupok session for him as they all forgot. Well, they'll give it to him next saturday. I walked to the field next to their school and found 3 people sitting on the grass waiting for me. I returned Hwee Seng his cap I was wearing around, because his cap was really cool and my hair could fit into it. Then we went to kopitiam to eat, and we also saw Clive korkor and the ventures sitting and eating around. Then when I went to change, the ventures all left before I even came back. Then we had our lunch. Right after that, Hwee Seng left to meet his friends which gave him the cap I was wearing around. Seems like he treasures the cap alot... Then me, dear and Syafiq went down to White Sands library to rest. ... I kept asking dear to stall for time until my swimming lesson ended, because I know my mum would still want me there even though my dad allowed me to spend my valentine's day with dear. So the 3 of us all slacked in the library. I was trying to sleep, while dear was poking to me to stay awake, and Syafiq was totally addicted to the psp. I kept trying to sleep in dear's shoulders, but he made it alittle uncomfortable, then my head slowly rolled down to his stomach. Felt more comfortable, but then dear went on poking me, so I just rested my head on his lap and tried to pretend to sleep. Heard he said I looked cute when I'm sleeping, so I thought the tormenting would end. Didn't think it would continue. Then I tried to make dear stop, so I made him horny. But what was worse was that instead of stopping, he made me horny too. Well, both of us had a really fun time, but I was actually really trying to sleep. I was quite tired. Well, then I sent dear back home. He kept saying sorry that he didn't get me a valentine's day present. No matter how much I asked him to stop, he would stop saying sorry. Well, I didn't get anything for dear also. Actually wanted to make chocolates for dear but I added too much milk, and the whole chocolate wouldn't stay in shape. So I dumped that project. But for dear, he actually gave me his time during valentine's day, which was what I got for the first time. He knew that I suffered my last year's valentine's badly, and this year, he changed it all. I really cannot thank dear enough for giving me his time, even though it couldn't last that long. Well, I sent dear back and gave him a goodbye kiss, then I went home to sleep. ... Had to cover up the rest I tried to get just now. So I konked out quite quickly and slept for awhile before going online to listen to songs. Seems like my mum wasn't asked out by my dad on valentine's day, so she was in quite a foul mood. I didn't wish to interfere with her business, or I'll be in a bad mood, so I went upstairs before she could use anything to hammer on my head. ... Well, just to say, this year's valentine's day was the best valentine's day of my 15 year life. Hoping for many more to come. Hoping that everybody had celebrated their valentine's day well, even though I know many of my friends didn't have anyone to celebrate with except their friends and families. Well, that's good enough. You guys can give each other hugs and kisses. Haha. Just a joke. Got to rest now, having a small headache and still quite tired. ... We love valentine's day!!! Labels: I'm aiming for 3 realy cute toys. And I'm going to give 1 to you Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:29 PM
I'm sorry for not blogging for so long. Was too tired to post and also too tired to even go online. But these were what happened the few days before. Maybe afew pictures can help me explain it more easily. I know it's been more than a week already. I'll try my best to write everything in.... Well, I was quite busy last week for Total Defence Day aka TDD. Went to Kranji War Memorial and also Ford Factory. I learnt more about Singapore's past years. I am still quite sad I didn't get history. I opted for it, but got SS and Geo instead. WAH!!!! It's ok, it's already past, but still favourite subject of mine even though I'm not studying it. I also remembered that my history notebook is still with Sean... I am good with teaching history, so just ask me any questions about it, and I can help. Also, when we were finding the places, my teachers got mixed up with the roads, so I had to help them out of the place with the map. SEE, I USED MY SUPER GOOD A-STAR MAP READING SKILLS!! Managed to get them off the ERP in about half an hour. Took alot of pictures but no idea how to load them... Sadden... ... Then the next few days, I just continued with my life. Study, end school, stay back for rehearsal for TDD presentation, then go and send Sean home. Then a big thing came on. ... SL Camp was on fri and sat last week. Was sooooo tired... Then was rushing in and out of school so many times because they kept saying that the logistics have not bought their stuff... Really slow... Then I went back to school to prepare the water bombs.
... The next few days, I went to fetch Sean from school. Then one of the days, I borrowed his venture's cap but didn't want to return it. Ehehehe. Going to wear it on sat to return, then bring an extra one to cover my head. Haha. Well, this was how I looked with it on. And I'm still not zilian, just that some people wanted me to upload it^^ Don't I look like someone familiar? Someone stupid? Or just plain crazy and bored? I know now it's just a zilian photo, but maybe you might want it? Who knows? Oh, everyone knows this week is valentine's day. So well, I already got my first present!!! It's from my brother and it's really nice. I'll let you hear it too. Just press play. It's really nice. Can't say much now, but just to say sorry for not posting for a very long time already. I remembered why I stopped. I was having a really bad stomachache after school, then I went to bed. Kept waking up in the morning and wanted to vomit, so I went to get a nearby pail. The pail kept dropping though and luckily, the pain subsided after awhile. Wishing that my valentine's day is spent differently this year.... We love caps!!! Labels: I really wish to celebrate my valentine's day well this year, not like last year Wednesday, February 4, 2009 9:40 PM
People can say that I'm boring, I'm always injured, I'm always tired. Yes, I know. I'm like that. It's because I have alot of things in my mind swirling around. Well, this has been happening these few days so I shall explain.... I went to a restaurant with my brother. He treated me with a good meal because he said he was going to leave soon for somewhere. So he treated me to Eighteen Chefs. It was a restaurant run by ex-convicts. Well, I was scared when I first saw that it was run by ex-convicts, but when I went there, it was super cool!!! The windows were filled with writings by others who visited the place. I didn't leave my name there though. But I was fine with it. Haha ... Well, I have to now say goodbye to my racket's string. I will be replacing it as my coach says its too dense, and it has to be restringed and tightened. I needed to do better in tennis, and I have raised the amount money for it and I'm going to say bye bye to it. So this are the last few times I can see the Big P before this saturday. ... I WILL EXPLAIN WHY I STILL TREAT HIM AS A BROTHER. IF YOU HAD SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU, AND HE JUST MADE A SMALL MISTAKE THAT MADE YOU HATE HIM, WOULD YOU STILL TREAT HIM AS A PERSON? LET'S SAY IF SOMEONE LIKE YOUR SISTER TOUCHED YOU WITHOUT YOU TELLING ME, WOULD YOU FORGIVE HER AND WANT ME TO FORGIVE HER? YOU WOULD, RIGHT? SO WHY WON'T YOU? AND YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT HE WILL DIE SOON, SO WHY WON'T YOU JUST MAKE HIM HAPPY AND LEAVE HIM ALONE? WHATEVER HE HAS DONE WAS JUST TO GET US BACK TOGETHER,DON'T YOU GET IT? WHY WON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? HE KNOWS YOU HAVE PROBLEMS EXPRESSING YOURSELF, AND KNOWS THAT YOU'RE NOT A GOOD BOYFRIEND. HE WAS THERE TO COMFORT ME WHEN YOU COULDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING NICE TO ME WHEN I WAS HURT. I HAD TO ACT IN FRONT OF YOU THAT I WAS OK BECAUSE I KNEW YOU COULDN'T DO ANYTHING TO COMFORT ME. AND EVERY NORMAL BOYFRIEND WOULD KNOW THAT HE HAS TO BE FIRST TO START THINGS, TO HOLD HANDS, TO HUG, TO EVEN PUT YOUR ARM AROUND HER. I REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO SAY ALL THIS TO YOU, BUT I HAVE TO, JUST TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND. YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW I'M FEELING NOW, BUT I WON'T DARE TO SAY THIS IN FRONT OF YOU. YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IF I SAID IT TO YOU FACE TO FACE.(eyes are red now.........) ... Well, I shall end here tonight. I have been doing a bio experiment at home. When I finish it, I'll post about it because it's so cool!!! ... We love Eighteen Chefs!!! Labels: I just really wished you understand Sunday, February 1, 2009 10:41 PM
I actually wanted to post a picture of my racket because it may be the last time I will see it like that. Because coach found out why I keep hitting so hard, and he saw that it was because of my racket. My racket strings were not tight enough, so I need to restring my racket. Sad to see the big P go, and also quite sad to see my money fly away because my dad isn't going to pay for any of my tennis things except for the fees. Sadly, I want a good racket so that I'll be able to play better. Every step closer for me to get better in tennis is worth it all. I'll be digging out my allowance to pay for it, so I'm going to be starved for awhile. Going to live on energy drinks and small snack bars. A good time for diets too.... I was also really really happy that I scored an ace yesterday. People who play tennis would know what an ace is. Well, I shot it with a jump, and it was my first time. I was just going to play well, that I didn't even notice I scored an ace. I accidentally sprained my leg because I went for the jump, and I landed with my leg twisted a little. But I didn't tell anyone because the pain didn't last much. It hurts more now though. Anyway, it was fun yesterday. Had no swimming also, so I could play longer. Going to buy tennis balls soon, because I want to play tennis even after class ends. Hopefully, my dad takes away my swimming class so I'll have more than enough time to play tennis with my friends. Maybe this week or so, plus I heard that they sell tennis balls at queenstown for a very cheap price. $76 for 60 tennis balls is way cheap. And I mean it. Hopefully we won't hit it to the windows like what we did to urm.... I forgot that guys name. Damn, I should really get to know my tennis mates well. This doesn't help at all. ... Well, we went off from tennis because we got no more balls to play with already. And please don't think that I'm saying it in a sarcastic manner. I went to church after parting from my friend at the mrt station. Then I made a somewhat one hour trip to Payalebar. Met my church friends there. Then I changed into skinnes. I looked like a white ghost with red shoes. Haha. Super cute though. First time in church for a long time aready. And just got information that Pastors are going to Los Angeles to join Pastor Kong and Sun. Just to say, they all lead amazing lives, but I'm not really sure I'm a convicted Christian anymore. My really good brother, whom everyone knows, as the fat guy, has been going through alot of pain. He made a deal with the devil for the sake of making me happy, and now, he's got about 44 days left to live. Don't ask why, don't ask how, don't ask anything. Just know that everything is painful as it is now. Trying to bear the pain that he's going to die in those 44 days, I just wish that I'll be beside him when he goes. He just paid too much for my sake. I really wished that he would break the deal. And to know that he thinks of how I look and sound when I cry, makes me think how much he is suffering that he sees me suffering. Well, as I told you, very few people have seen me cry, and I have only cried once infront of everyone in sec1 when they were all toturing Matthew, and I knew that they were just too heartless. Even I know where the limit is. And only my tan family knows how I look when I am crying with no tears. Don't tell them how I look. It would just make the look come back. ... Well, I do not want the post to be with an unhappy ending, so I'll try making it happy. ... please listen to the song while looking at he lyrics. EVERY MEDICAL FEED WANT A PART OF ME I'M DANCING HOLES FOR MY LIP TO SEECALL ME YEAH THEM BUTTS TO GET A PART OF ME I TURN YOU UPSIDE DOWN TO SAY "OOH AH AH" OOH VEYKA HELMET SPLIT "OOH LA LA LA" YOU'RE SO FREE SUZANNO'S MELODY OOH WHOA AH AH DANCING MEAT BALLS CRAP I NEED A HAND THERE YOUR SONG IS YOURS TO KNOCK STICKS IN A VAN SET PRESIDENT LIED PLZ I NEED A COIN CENT MEDICAL HELP I'M CARAMELLDANSEN ... OOH OOH OOH WHOA WHOA OHOOH OOH OOH WHOA WHOA OOH OOH OOH WHOA WHOA OH YOU PLAY THE SAXOPHONE IN THE UPPER STOVE THAT IS WHERE I LOST AND SLIPPED MY NOSEC ALL ME "L" RETARDED STICK THAT'S ON THE END OOH WHOA WHOA OH SUE LICKED A PHONE SAY "OOH AH AH" HELL LICKED A PHONE SAY "OOH LAH LAH LAH" YOU'RE SO MEAN SUZAN O.'S MEDODY ... CRAP I NEED A HAND THERE YOUR SONG IS YOURS TO KNOCK STICKS IN A VAN SET PRESIDENT LIED PLZ I NEED A COIN CENT MEDICAL HELP I'M CARAMELLDANSEN ... CRAP I NEED A HAND THERE YOUR SONG IS YOURS TO KNOCK STICKS IN A VAN SET PRESIDENT LIED PLZ I NEED A COIN CENT MEDICAL HELP I'M CARAMELLDANSEN OOH OOH WHOA WHOA OOH OOH WHOA WHOA OH OOH OOH WHOA WHOA OOH OOH WHOA WHOA OH ... CRAP I NEED A HAND THERE YOUR SONG IS YOURS TO KNOCK STICKS IN A VAN SET PRESIDENT LIED PLZ I NEED A COIN CENT MEDICAL HELP I'M CARAMELLDANSEN ... CRAP I NEED A HAND THERE YOUR SONG IS YOURS TO KNOCK STICKS IN A VAN SET PRESIDENT LIED PLZ I NEED A COIN CENT MEDICAL HELP I'M CARAMELLDANSEN And this last picture is for him. A dream, takes only one person to fulfill and the other to feel happy. ![]() We love Caramelldansen!!!
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