Rytha Rytha Lew Chiu Min 劉秋敏 21/06/1994 lionheaddragonclaw@hotmail.com Nan Chiau Primary School(graduated) Peicai Secondary School 4F '10 Female Past Interact Club President NCC(Sea) Staff Sergeant Kayaker Adidas Lover [In my world, take backs only happen once.] [You found my blog? Good, that means you know where you stand.] |
I have a mouth for a reason
a monster that make boys cry | |
Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:27 AM
I was just taking afew breaks here and there during CNY as not many people were around. I didn't think that they'd take so long to come. So I was just staring blankly at my laptop, because no one was talking to me on MSN as they had to help out for all the CNY preperations. So I just went and played with my phone and took stupid pictures of myself. There were alot more pictures, trust me. But they're not that funny, so I won't be posting them. Maybe next time. And people, FYI, those aren't my specs. I only take picures of myself for an amusement, and I always make funny faces. Or else I won't take myself. I'm not so zilian one ok!! Haha. Hope to take some photos with some good friends next time. Then we can always remember the days.... So on the day we went back to school, during UA, I won a box of ferrero rocher for answering a question when no one else wanted to. I didn't know the prize was that big. And it was the only prize. Not to mention the answer and question were really really simple. That should be a good time to tell people that do not be afraid, just willingly stand up and say it out. You might be right, but even if you're wrong, atleast you know you tried. Half the box is gone already, by the way, so no one please ask me for the chocolate and what's more, do not open it when I didn't even give you the permission to. I can't believe as my seniors, they would do that. They should be the ones learning the lesson, not us, for just being younger than them. ... Well, got nothing much better to say. I just wish for my good friend, don't wish to say the name, to get better soon after eating too much heaty food. Maybe that was a lesson learnt, but it was a good lesson:) And it goes to everyone who has a sorethroat or runny nose after the CNY celebrations. HOPE YOU GUYS GET WELL SOON:) ... I already know I'm going to get in big trouble for just missing one training of NCC. What's worse, the teachers found out why I missed the training. But just to be with you for that period of time, it made me happy to think that it was worth it all. I'm going to get a big scolding today, but I do not want you to worry. Just focus in school. And I already know what made you angry, so you do not have to explain to me if you want to. ... We love CNY!!! Labels: It was just for a moment. But it was a good moment Thursday, January 22, 2009 9:04 PM
I'm going to be really in deep shit if any of the NCC people see this, but who really cares. This was my first time ponning NCC. Everyone knows I'm a NCC freak, but this time I'll show you I'm more than just an obedient kid.... Sorry about the PSL meeting also. Had to rush off. Because I had a meeting with Miss Lim about the NE Ambassador thing. I'm her so called current secretary. I'll copy notes and everything for her. Only if needed though. I'm going to be helping out in the Total Defence Day and International Friendship Day preperations. Will be passing her the notes we got from the course there. ... OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!...................... Nothing special...................... Only that something embarrasing happened to me................................ People who know, don't say. People who don't know, don't ask........ just 2 words are enough............. stained pants.................... Well, I'll forget about it then. Skipped half of SS period just to look for a pair of extra pants, which I couldn't, so I went to find Sok Hong, to get from the council. Seems like they didn't have any also, so I just had to make do with the old Peicai skirt(you know, the brown one). Then I looked weird, with white pe, brown skirt and red shoes. But it was fine with me, as looking weird was one of my specialties. (Ms Chew, of course the new uniform is nice and I like it alot^^) ... Oh, and people, new news for you. Any bad things I wish to say, it'll be in white. So you guys won't be affected by what I write. Especially those who aren't near to me but is in my school. I suggest you stay away from the white parts. ... WHAT THE HELL. PEOPLE, I JUST WISH TO QUIT PSL. MEETINGS ARE TOLD ON THE SPOT AND WHEN I ALREADY HAVE SOMETHING ON, YOU GUYS HAVE TO JUST MAKE IT WORSE BY MAKING EVERYDAY A LIVING PIECE OF HELL. LIKE THE PLANNING OF THE UPCOMING CAMP. WHEN OTHERS DON'T TURN UP, EVERYTHING IS TOTALLY FINE. WHEN I DON'T TURN UP, YOU GUYS SCOLD ME AND BLAME THAT IT'S MY FAULT THAT THINGS ARE TAKING TOO LONG . WELL, SO MUCH INFORMATION NEEDED ISN'T THERE, AND SO HOW THE HELL CAN I BLOODY MAKE ANY CALCULATIONS AND THE BUDGET? IS IT ALL MY FAULT? YOU GUYS BLOODY PUT ME IN THOSE POSITIONS WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME, AND ARE STILL BLAMING ME FOR BEING NOT AROUND. I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO MY FRIENDS AND DON'T BE IN ANY ACTIVITES, SINCE I'M ALWAYS THE ONE AIMED AT. PEOPLE USE PHONE ALL OVER THE PLACE, YOU DON'T CONFISCATE. I USE PHONE IN PLACES PEOPLE CAN'T SEE, AND YOU STILL HAVE TO THREATEN ME TO KEEP IT EVEN WHEN YOU OPENLY USE YOUR PHONE AND SHOUT VULGARITIES ALL OVER THE PLACE. AND YOU STILL DARE TO CALL YOURSELF THE DISCIPLINE HEAD AND ADVISOR OF PSL. YOU CAN GO AHEAD AND GO TO HELL. AND ALSO TO MY PEERS. SHERYE, PLEASE DON'T TREAT ME LIKE A STICK WHEN I'M THERE ASKING YOU A QUESTION AND YOU JUST WALK PAST ME LIKE I MEAN NOTHING. AND PLEASE, A CLOSE FRIEND OF MINE, DON'T ACT LIKE YOU ARE IN THE SAME STATE AS I AM IN. DON'T FAKE THAT YOU'VE ALSO BEEN PRESCRIBED FOR A SPRAINED BACK, WHEN YOU'RE TOTALLY FINE. PLEASE BE SERIOUS, IT'S REALLY HARD TO BEAR WITH YOU. ... Phew............ Finally managed to cool down after writing it down. Now I want to explain what happened to my grandma. She's alittle sick now, but getting better. I don't wish to say about my sister. Those who have heard, please be a kind soul and explain to others what happened to my sister. ... And about yesterday and today, my anniversary. I'll explain yesterday first. I spent awhile with Sean in Mac with Syafiq. Was playing with him. When I hit a certain spot on him, his leg jumped up and hit the table. Haha. So funny. Had lots of fun. Now I'll explain today. Something in the bus happened which I didn't want to say.(You should have known that I hate fights) Then we went to Mac again. Seems like Syafiq and Joseph were in the bus earlier than us. Met with Scott and seems like he was still as tall as ever... I'm getting a little jealous. Then me and Sean played again. But this time I was at a disadvantage. I was wearing a skirt. No fair, I must bring 2 sets of pants next time. And the skirt was quite loose and also quite long. So I folded it 5 times and also used Sean's tie to tighten it so it won't come off. Haha. He won't get his tie back.....ever...... muahahaha. ... I was so sad when you started the fight with Marven in the bus, so I just kept quiet, because I couldn't really do anything to make you smile. I wanted to apologise to Marven, by asking David for his number. But seems like David told you what happened. I'm really sorry he made you mad. I just didn't want you to be upset, that's why I kept running away to call him. Seems like I can't really make you happy, especially what day today was. I just don't know what to do now. Should I just concentrate on my work, or continue what I've been doing for a very long time, find you to stay with you as long as possible no matter what. ... I've got nothing to say now, actually. I'm actually in a towel now as I have to put my clothes into the washing machine, and I'm taking some time to write this post. Haha. Well, I'll bathe soon^^ ... SEAN MADE ME HORNY...........MUAHAHAHA....... ... We love white letters!!! Labels: Just tell me what you want. and i'll try my best to make you happy Monday, January 19, 2009 7:49 PM
You want to know why? Well, many people should already know what happened to my class. If you don't, I'll explain.... Well, this morning, I heard from people that my class was vandalised. It had been smashed with eggs which were raw and also sprayed with soya sauce. We found the bottle but forgot that it had fingerprints, so we threw it away. I couldn't believe I did such a stupid thing!!! Then I went to clean up the rest of the room with Lisa while the people went for class at the library. Then I had to bring as many books as possible to where the class was. I was told they were at the Emmanuel Hall, so I walked there. Then they weren't there, but I thanked the boy for trying to open the doors for me. Then I walked towards the ava room, thinking they'll be there. So I was screaming into the room to ask someone to open the door. Couldn't touch the door because the books were so heavy. Then when someone opened it for me, I asked Mdm Yusma where was my class. She didn't know, so I left, but accidentally banged the door too hard because I had to close it with my foot. Didn't have the chance to say sorry. Then I took a short break at the canteen when all the books dropped. Had a friend to help me bring the books up.(thank you gilbert^^) Then I finally met Mr Razali which told me my class was at the library. I took what energy I had left to walk to the library. Then Ms Lam had to kill my spirits that the books should have been left near class, as the class will be going up later. Then I took the last of my energy to walk back. Guess I have talked enough of the class stuff. Had alot of soya sauce spilled on me. I smell like urine!!!! ... OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! I almost forgot. I baked a set of cookies yesterday. Had comments that they tasted like granola and were dry. Well, I'll try my best to improve it. Actually wanted to let my dear try, but forgot. Ehehe.... Going to let him try tomorrow^^(I better see his face like this or I'll kill him!!!) ![]() Well, I have to prepare for tomorrow soon. Just got posted to food IC of the student leader camp. And if anyone falls sick, it's my fault, again. Now, I'll have to end here. I have not bathed yet. Should be posting soon. If I don't, you should know who killed me...... ... We love cookies!!! Labels: I understand. But what you say always scares me Saturday, January 17, 2009 12:50 AM
It's the last day of the second week already. Time passes by really fast. Hopefully everything slows down. I had that PSL meeting again...... Everyone will be able to see why I'm avoiding PSL so much..... It should be obvious. With the type of people, the kind of unfairness they give, just to those who are different. I have a word for those still in the board. We may not be your friends, just because we're different in our little ways, but at least listen to us. It's not that hard. Now with alot of activities falling on saturday, I hate the planning of school more and more. Especially the next thing that's coming on next. I have a sort of interact thing at CJC on 31st jan, which is on a SATURDAY, AND THERE IS NO SWIM CLASS ON THAT DAY!!! My long hours of tennis has just flown away..... Should have thought twice about it. But it's ok, because I'll be accompaning some of the sec2s who are some of my favourite, because they like hanging out with me.... I'll explain why they hang around me. Seems like they are the so called school nerds or school rejects. After seeing that they were in a much more pitiful state than I was, I went to help them. There is a reason we are called interactors of Peicai. Seems like alot of people forget why. Especially the people who are sec3 and above. And now these sec1s whom I'm taking care of, they are so much better off than the others. At least they have a sense of respect for each other. I wish to let my teachers know, that I was always near the brink point of quitting PSL. First reason is that the people there are killing the Peicai Pride, especially the Discipline Master. Second reason would be that the sec2s are all learning from the sec3s and above. I could just say bye bye to alot the sec2s who were going to dedicate themselves to PSL have turned into lost faith. Third reason that is after I quit, I will have so much more time and energy to spend with my precious sec2s. Seems like I'm getting a little too angry about my PSL thing. But I'd like to say I have one reason to stay, and that is to be in the Interact Board. There wasn't any other reason why I would choose PSL to Council. Somehow I feel like I made the wrong choice, because my school student council is so much better than PSL. And if the teachers read up on my blog, I'll be glad to let them see it, big and clear. ... Ok, to the more happier things which happened on friday. There was a softball match going on, with Montfort and Peicai playing. I was wondering what would happen again. And I couldn't send Sean home because my meeting ended too late. So when they arrived, I was sitting with my sec 1A students wo were ex-montfortian softballers. Sad Spencer couldn't come. They were all so eager to see him again. Well, people, you should know I'm a noob at softball, so I didn't know who was scoring or anything. If they clapped, I would just clap with them. And the thing about it was that if Peicai scored, we would clap, but if Montfort scored, no one cared execpt the players itself. Montfort would also clap if we scored. No wonder Montfort players are so much better. No offence to Peicai softballers. ... While the game was going on, I went to play Rugby with Mr Fahmy, Clausen, Mr Ong and Amir. They were teaching me how to kick the ball correctly. And the same thing I would say that made me wonder. Why when people bang into me, I wouldn't fall. Instead, the other party, which is larger than me by 2 times and alot heavier, falls and incures a injury. If anyone found out the reason why, please tell me. I'm getting a little freaked out myself. Muahahaha!!! I can make mountains fall!!! Especially the ones in school!!! So after the small game, I continued watching the match. Didn't understand much still, so I went to play softball with my sec1s. They couldn't find a left-handed glove, so I was having a difficult time throwing the ball. Then I started catching low throws, so I have to lower myself alot. I'm not sure why, but I like to keep my legs straight, instead of bending. So my sec1s kept asking why I kept doing splits just to catch the ball. You can ask me real life, and I can answer the whole complex question why I keep my legs straight. ... After the few games, I finally saw how Jason looked like. He's much taller than he looks...... Don't want to mess with him. But he's a really good softballer. No doubt about it. Then I made my way to Chomp Chomp. Went to have dinner with my sec1s then went to walk around the club at Serangoon Garden. Was actually going to the gym with them, but seems like they already went. So we just took a small walk around. Then we sat around and talked. After that, Aacus was kind enough to send me to the bus stop, because he knew I didn't know the place well and my eyesight wasn't good either. Then from there on, I went home. When I reached home, I went to charge my phone on my com, and left it at BRB on msn, hoping no one would talk to me. Sad people couldn't see. Then I was forced to go and bathe before I get too tired. To say the truth, I was already dying to sleep, but I didn't look that way because my eyes were still wide open. So when I went upstairs to bathe, I literally fell on the bed and slept till 12.15. Then I woke up for no reason and went to bathe. Now I'm blogging:) ... Why is it you're giving me the feeling that I'm going to be replaced soon? I'm feeling so insecure. Please tell me what is going on. The more you hide, the more I get worried. You are mine, and I'm so afraid of losing you. You're just too important, please don't go. ... So that's about it already. Time to go back to sleep. I have tennis tomorrow morning. So need lots of sleep. My left leg still hurts after Mr Fahmy fell on me. Ouch..... ... We love sports!!! Labels: Just being away a day from you makes me miss you so much Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:31 PM
Sorry for being a little random. It really is boring at home. Well, I was shopping for people's birthday present. I found one for Ben's present but I everything was at a buy 2 at a 10% discount. So I also bought another album. I think I'll just give it to Benjamin for his birthday. DON'T TELL THEM THAT THIS ARE THEIR BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!!!And I have been quite tired for the past few days. SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME A WAKING UP PILL FOR THE MORNING AND COFFEE IN THE NIGHT!!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!! We love David!!! Labels: I know you don't like him. I'll stay away from him now Sunday, January 11, 2009 9:15 AM
We shall recap from friday, as it was very very fun on friday. It was CCA open house for the sec1s, so everybody were preparing to welcome the sec1s to their booth. Unluckily for us, we got stuck with the very last one at the end. Which sucks alot because we were blocked by people from the Saint John's. They kept stealing our people away. Because of that, we had to shift our platoon down to the driveway. Then we were given a short period of time to walk around with our uniforms and rifles to jio people to our booth. But it seems quite impossible, as manyo f them have already been pulled away by other CCAs, especially the girls. But we were hard to give up, so we went to trash the other CCAs by going into their games and stuff telling all the sec1s... "WE'RE GOING TO SHOOT YOU UNESS YOU JOIN NCC!!!" .... So we had alot of fun running around places. We turned a little hungry doing all that, so we went ot the Girl Guide's booth to eat pizza... ... Then we finished off by packing everything. After that, I went to study at Mac(my favourite place to eat rubbish and also talking corner with friends). I studied from 6+ until 9+. Had a small chat with Benjamin also. Seems like he has improved well in life. Hope the best for him for this year, since it's his last year in Montfort. Then after the studying, I had nothing much to do, so I went to copy articles that I could find in my file. As it seems, I couldn't find many. Only 5. So I just copied them until 9+, continuously going to the toilet to wash my face to wake myself up. Then after the rest of the copying, then I walked towards the school. They were also on their way there so we just went to the bus stop. Then we took the bus to Pasir Ris and sat there for awhile at Mac. Just to take a small rest as my bags were heavy and so were my clothes. Didn't want to carry on walking with a 1kg+ uniform while people kept calling me tiny army girl and looking at me with the weird stare... Then I sent Sean home then went home accompanied with my PSP, which has songs that make me laugh alot. Or I'll just go crazy and sing along with the songs and look like a complete fool. Then when I reached my stop, which is the Seletar Camp, many people thought I was going into the camp because of my clothes. Then I misled them by walking the other way, which was home. Then I went home and let my mind take a small break, then woke up the next morning. ... The next morning, which was saturday, I woke up early to go for tennis. This time, I won't make the dumb decision of taking 30 mins to travel to Yio Chu Kang rather than going to Woodlands in 20 mins and its atleast 6 stops nearer to Dover. Then I met Alvin there, so we went to Dover together. Oh, and I've got to tell the people something. I'm not with Alvin. He's just a really good friend of mine. And to remind my dear friends, my best friends are mostly guys. So please do not mistake it just because he's older than me, smarter, stronger and obviously taller. Oh dear, I'm giving another intro again. I've got to stop praising people. Haha. I'm feeling like I'm very fortunate to have these kind of friends. Especially that I don't hang well with the people in my school. Ok, I've got to get back on track. That day, Clarise, or I may nickname her "the screaming girl". It should be obvious why I call her that. If you guys don't know, just check my past blog. Then I met afew new friends.I only can recall Jordon, for his huge size.(No offence, Jordan, but I really wish I could grow tall like you). I still remember that there was this guy in the class called Jonathan, which kept telling me the same sentence ... "You're older than me, but I'm still taller than you." ... Then got really irritated when he kept repeating it. Oh, and I also learnt a new japanese word from Shuu. It's a Hiki(He said it was a lovebite in japanese). We found out about it when we saw the marks on his left arm. PS: I keep thinking that Shuu was a girl..... ... Nothing much to talk about already. Only to tell people that my schedule of NCC Training has been changed. It has been changed from monday to thursday. So if anyone wants to go out with me on monday, please do!! And book me fast, as there are people I do not want to see which may book me for that day. Plus, another good reason would be that I want to buy birthday presents for people. Ok, it's late already. And people, I might not be able to post much as my parents are monitoring my blog. Have to watch what I write already..... ... FIKRIISKANDARHASINVITEDMETOACONCERTONMYBIRTDAYANDISTILLREMEMBERTHATHEOWESME6DOLLARS. ... We love urmmmm..........perfect english!!!! Labels: Is there something wrong? If there is you have to tell me Wednesday, January 7, 2009 10:51 PM
Well, I was passing by afew days in school while the sec1 orientation was on. Many memories were running through my mind when I was attached to Sec 1A 2009. They reminded me of the times when I was taking sec 1A 2008 last year. Good times when I lost my voice. Well, this year, sec 1A was much better, but still not that good. They were more well behaving, and needed less scolding. I had my fun while guiding them.... During the camp also, I was put with some people in stations for the 2 days. I was away from people for awhile so I was just retracking for the past few days which I had fun. Then I got reminded of the time when I went for my first tennis lesson at SP. I was having too much fun to notice my hand tearing, and also had afew back and neck pains. But it's all gone now, almost, actually. I also remembered there was a unusual girl in the class with an unusual accent. Her name was Clarice, if I'm not wrong. If I am, please do correct me. About the girl, she is only 14 this year. When I told her I was going to turn 15 this year, she replied me with this ... "wow, you're that old?" ... I was stunned. That I was called old. And when I went for swimming class in the afternoon, I got the same comment from one of my classmates, that I was old. But this time it was for a better reason. The kid who said it was only 7. So I didn't mind as I was twice his age. ... Another recap I did during the camp. Songs are what is keeping my heart in tune to happiness. Funny tunes like caramelldansen or showtime make me happy. Whereas tunes like check yes juliet and love story reminds me of romantic scenes. Especially when I saw alot of romantic places in Perth, when I was there. Then it continued by reminding of the family we made in the trip. I WAS THE AUNTIE!!! WOOTS!!! NEXT TIME CALL ME AUNTIE!!! Haha. Just joking around. Only Ruey Feng and Fazarul can call me auntie. The rest of you guys must either call me big sister in chinese, or long jie. Or you can just call me by my name. ... Well, I'm forced to sleep as I have school tomorrow, and after school, I'm going to study somewhere and also collect someone's birthday present. And I might also be playing tennis somewhere so I'll just bring my tennis racket around for fun, joy peace and laughter. But if what my friend promised me, that he'll stay in class for me to teach him tennis, then I'd be glad to help. Ok, I've got to stop. I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and reply to the rest of my emails and tags. I'm going to put up a picture because I just feel like putting one up. left to right: Channel(mother), Fazarul(son), Amir(father), Ruey Feng(son) and me(auntie). ... We still love tennis alot!!! Labels: i'm just a little insecure that's all. Saturday, January 3, 2009 8:20 PM
I was actually looking forward to posting a happy post of what happened today. But my parents had to piss me off (again), so I'll try my best to be happy and write all about today's happy memories I had. Well, firstly, today was my first tennis lesson at the new place. Accidentally went there too early and reached around and 9am. Was waiting for Alvin to come and I alot of people with sports stuff all over the mrt. It reminded me of the time when I went to Singapore Poly to have the History Trial. Good times. Then while I when he arrived, we made our way towards the courts. He told me it was going to be a long walk. I didn't think it was though, as I walk that long to get home. When we arrived there, some people were already there. So coach did some intro of the swings and hits to me first. I actually don't really know tennis well, but I was willing to give my best. I was really happy when coach was giving me alot of compliments. Then had alot of fun also during the whole time in class. Met afew new people with funny accents and stuff. And also weird people who had internal conflicts with each other, and it made us quite irritated. I learnt so many new things, like cat on the hill and what is a serve. (I actually didn't know what was a serve O.O) Then it started raining so coach stopped class from there onwards. We went to the bowling alley to take in some air con and rest. We resumed our tennis with a 2 on 2 at the second court. Was playing with Alvin, Jonathan and Ben. By then, the skin on my hand was scraping off, and I was wondering why there was a smell of omega oil on the grip. I found out soon. Had alot of fun during the 2 on 2. Had a few shots that reminded me of my badminton. Where the ball came from high up and smacked right infront. Took afew shots that nearly made me throw my racket again. Because if those people who play tennis with me, they would know that if I use my back hand, the racket will fly as I always thought of the tennis racket as a badminton racket. So the racket will fly, and when it flies, it flies high and far. People should be really really careful of me... Then also I made friends with funny people. And some are pervertic. (Ahem...Jonathan, I'm talking about you...) And some of the pervertic people are disgusting. I would call them the Singaporean spitters. Haha. After lunch (can't really said I had lunch as I only took a drink that finished in less than 1 min, being the kind of camel I am.) We made our way to the mrt, and saw alot of girls in fbts...O.O. Nothing that I don't see many times. Sad for everyone who is salivating now, the girls are all 17 and above already. Haha. Have fun catching up with age. So after that, I made my way to APS. There I found out that my shirt stunk really really badly. And my irritating swimming class. Wish I could end it asap. Well, the next few parts I'm making it unseen, because it's all complaints and pain and everything you wouldn't want to hear. If you find a way to read it, good for you. But if you do not want to, just scroll down to the rest of the blue words. I AM SO PISSED WITH MY PARENTS. THEY THINK JUST BECAUSE THEY PAY FOR MY FEES, THEY CARE. WHEN WE GET INJURED, THEY JUST SAY "ORH". WHEN WE SAID THAT WE HAD COMPLIMENTS FROM THE COACH OR TEACHERS, THEY WOULD JUST SAY "ORH". WHEN WE ASK WHETHER WOULD THEY CARE IF WE DID WELL, THEY WOULD JUST SCOLD US BACK AND SAY THAT WE ARE UNGRATEFUL AND UNFILIAL CHILDREN. WHEN WE GET LECTURED, THEY THINK EVERYTHING THAT THEY SAY TO US DOESN'T HURT, AND THAT WE CAN REMEMBER EVERY WORD THAT THEY SAY DURING AT LONG PERIOD OF TIME. AND WHEN THEY ASK YOU REASONS WHY YOU JOIN OTHER COURSES THAN THOSE FROM GOOD SCHOOLS, THEY ALWAYS SAY OUR ANSWERS ARE BULLSHIT, WHEN THEY THEMSELVES HAVE NOT EVEN GONE THROUGH IT THEMSELVES. AND THEY ALWAYS THINK JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE GONE THROUGH THEIR SO CALLED LIVES, THEY HAVE NEVER KNOWN THAT THE WORLD IS CHANGING EVERYDAY. EVERYTHING HAS TO SUIT THEM, NOT US. THEY HAD NEVER THOUGHT THAT WE WERE ACTUALLY THE FUTURE, WHEREAS THEY ARE THE PAST. FOR ONCE, I JUST WISH PARENTS COULD SEE WHY WE CHILDREN HATE PARENTS. I'M SAYING THIS FOR THE GROUP OF PEOPLE WHICH ARE FIGHTING FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE WHILE BEING SUPRESSED BY THEIR PARENTS WHICH THINK THAT WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS THE BEST FOR US. IN FACT, THEY'RE KILLING US, AND OUR SCHOOL WORK. BECAUSE THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT OUR GRADES IN SCHOOL, AND MY MUM CAN STILL SAY THAT THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT OUR GRADES BUT OUR ATTITUDE. AND ITS NO LIKE WE'RE PERFECT, SO CAN'T YOU ATLEAST GIVE A SMILE OR THUMBS UP WHEN WE DO SOMETHING THAT IS BIG TO US, RATHER THAN SAYING, IT'S STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH? WE MIGHT BE JUST KIDS, BUT WE'RE STILL HUMANS AND WE UNDERSTAND, AND WE ARE TRYING TO LIVE BY WHAT WE BELIEVE, WHAT WE CARE FOR AND ALSO TRYING TO MAKE YOU GUYS PROUD. BUT PARENTS, PLEASE JUST CUT US SOME SLACK. AND IF YOU CAN'T FIND THE REASON WHY MANY STUDENTS DON'T LIKE STAYING HOME, WELL, YOU CAN BLOODY HELL ASK THEM AND THEY'LL GIVE YOU THE STRAIGHT ANSWER. I'LL TELL YOU WHAT IT IS. "I DO NOT WANT TO COME HOME AND THE NEXT MINUTE, MY PARENTS START SCOLDING ME FOR JUST TURNING THE MUSIC ON, FOR JUST PUTTING A PLATE OF EGGS ON THE TABLE, FOR JUST TALKING ON THE PHONE FOR JUST A MERE MINUTE WITH A VERY GOOD FRIEND, FOR JUST TRYING TO ESCAPE TO OUR ROOMS TO AVOID YOUR VOICE OF SCOLDING." WHAT'S WORSE, MANY PARENTS DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS THE MEANING OF REACHING THE LIMIT. AND WHEN WE CRY, WE ALWAYS CRY IN SILENCE BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT YOU GUYS WOULD JUST SAY WE WERE WEAK AND YOU GUYS WOULDN'T EVEN COME TO COMFORT US. I'M SAYING THIS ALSO TO MY OWN PARENTS. AND IF MY DAD FINDS OUT ABOUT THIS SMALL PORTION OF WHAT I WROTE, I'D BE GLAD HE CAN READ THIS AND UNDERSTAND US ATLEAST ABIT. BUT I'M SURE HE'LL FORGET IT AS SOON AS HE CLOSES HIS LAPTOP. TRUST ME, ADULTS ARE ALL LIKE THAT. PLEASE, PARENTS, JUST BE LESS STRESSFUL WITH YOUR KIDS. I KNOW HOW THEY ARE LIKE, SO JUST TRUST ME IN THIS. IT'S NOW YOUR CHOICE, PARENTS. YOU EITHER FOLLOW THIS, AND LET YOUR KIDS ENJOY MORE AND GAIN MORE RESPECT FROM THEM, OR IF YOU DON'T, JUST LOOKOUT BECAUSE YOUR KIDS WILL TAKE EVERY CHANCE TO LEAVE THE HOUSE AND RUN AWAY. If I insulted anyone, I'm sorry. But this is the truth and only the truth. I wish to forget all of this, so I hope everyone enjoys their life as much as possible. Please don't be too badly impacted by what I write. And check out for more posts, because I will update my blog as much as possible. Well, let's end this blog with a funny picture about myself. Scroll down
We love tennis!!! Labels: I'm missing you so. maybe you'll get a surprise Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:46 PM
Happy new year everyone. To everyone who made me live through a wonderful 2008, I hope I'll be able to repay everyone this year by also making everybody happy. And to those who think they made my life bad last year, do not worry, as you are forgiven. I know some people didn't celebrate their new year well, do not worry. Because we still have a whole year ahead of us. prepare for the real adventure this year, Where many of us will get into our primes and others will become real teenagers. Sadly, some of my kors will be leaving or poly or uni for their further studies. Now All I can say is that I have to change from this weird little girl into an average human. This was how I looked like in 2008. I'll promise I'll look differently.1. Spend more time with firends and less time with all my activities. Also make time for myself though. 2. Study more this year and organise my life more this year without turning into some neat geek. 3. Less commitment to my own needs and more commitments to the needs of others and church also. 4. Exercise more and try to keep myself as healthy as possible without getting too tired for my other needs. 5. Start saving up to atleast buy some stuff for myself and also for others. Atleast to be able to buy my own stuff, like clothes. 6. Go into a tennis class with Alvin, like he asked me to. And master it well, so hopefully it won't go to waste. 7. Get my own trumpet andpractice it always. If I can't do it at home, then I'll do it somewhere where I can find peace and tranquility. And also get help from my band friends. 8. Try to spend as much time with my dear as possible and hope that nothing much happens when we try to meet. And I really hope we can have a chalet again. 9. Get a good head sart for 2009, and get alot of money and luck for this year. And live a life of happiness for as long as this year lasts. 10. Fulfil atleast 5 of these resolutions, or I'll kill myself by next year. I'm going to enjoy school tomorrow with my new uniform, my new classmates, my new juniors, and my new year. Hopefully, I'll enjoy it more than what have been going through last year. And to my kor, do not worry anymore. Only one sideo fme is Lilith. A very small part. And to Sean, hopefully our relationship will flourish next year. I'm missing you so^^ Well, that is all I have to say.Hopefully I'll enjoy my year this time. And I almost forgot. Today is the birthday of my blog. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLOG!!! We love blogging!!! Labels: The poem was for you. and you can talk on my tagboard. you're always allowed to do so^^ |
Mics January 2008 / February 2008 / March 2008 / April 2008 / May 2008 / June 2008 / July 2008 / August 2008 / September 2008 / October 2008 / November 2008 / December 2008 / January 2009 / February 2009 / March 2009 / April 2009 / May 2009 / June 2009 / July 2009 / August 2009 / September 2009 / November 2009 / December 2009 / January 2010 / February 2010 / March 2010 / April 2010 / May 2010 / June 2010 / July 2010 / August 2010 / September 2010 / October 2010 / November 2010 / December 2010 / January 2011 / February 2011 / March 2011 / April 2011 / May 2011 / July 2011 / August 2011 / Picture: picnik Desighger: LiAnne Basecodes: thelastnote best viewed in mozilla firefox :):) |