Rytha Rytha Lew Chiu Min 劉秋敏 21/06/1994 lionheaddragonclaw@hotmail.com Nan Chiau Primary School(graduated) Peicai Secondary School 4F '10 Female Past Interact Club President NCC(Sea) Staff Sergeant Kayaker Adidas Lover [In my world, take backs only happen once.] [You found my blog? Good, that means you know where you stand.] |
I have a mouth for a reason
a monster that make boys cry | |
Monday, August 15, 2011 1:49 PM
If you love me, show me. Words don't count when your actions mean show much more. Don't hug me, don't even touch me, when your eyes are on someone else. How would feel if I talked about all the hot, smart and nice guys when you're around? When I start eyeing them as they walked by? Would you ever have liked it. I'm not only sensitive, I'm just thinking all the time if you really love me. Because people do crazy things when they're in love. You're not doing anything at all. You broke all your promises. You didn't mean what you say. When we confronted, instead of hugging me, you just sat down and did nothing. You kept thinking of yourself. You didn't think of me. Or us. Every time I'd end up in your class. Do you actually think before you ask me to do things? Do girls go or boys go? Who's making the effort now? Who's waiting for you after IG? Who's making time for who? Who's the one which doesn't come up with so many reasons? Who's the one who doesn't want to go the extra mile? I try my best to surprise you. I want you to be happy with the random acts of hugs and kisses. But you don't know what to do. When you're around you just stone. I want a surprise, just one small one. You already ruined my birthday, everyday I go to your class I also get angry. It's very hard to take all these pain. I've suffered enough in the first relationship, more than enough within the time that we were separated, and now I'm still hurting. People think I'm stupid getting back with you. Don't make me support them and call myself a stupid person. HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME, AND THEN TELL ME YOU'LL LEAVE ME SOMEDAY?
Thursday, July 14, 2011 2:04 PM
To: Dr Janice Khoo Sports and Exercise Sciences Dear Dr Khoo, I am Rytha Lew from class E25P,and I have written this letter to address the banning of social networks. As a student of the School of Sports, Health and Leisure(SHL), I myself am affected by this and I feel that it should be not implemented. Why the need to ban social networks such as facebook or twitter, when it has never affected any students in their work or even their attitudes. To a student’s point of view, if the banning of social networks were to be implemented, will be a drastic move to all of us. We assume that the reasons that caused you to actually initiate the banning of social networks was because that you feel that it is a distraction to the students, which is your most worrying factor. However, other factors considered would also be the shortening of our attention spans, or weakening of our immune system. This however, only happens to students whom are in active, and I believe that very few of these students would be present, especially as we belong to SHL. The effects of banning social networks would be drastic, as many students do actually rely on these social networks for communication purposes and also a source of primary information. If students were not allowed into their social networks, they would definitely be enraged and affected. Many of them rely on social networks to communicate and to solve their daily problems in their problem based learning(PBL), which we need to do every day. This will cause us to do worse for our daily problems, and it will cause us to get lower grades. This will cause many students to be affected and they would rather stay at home than to come to school, knowing that they will not do well with the limited resources that we are given. Social networks such as facebook, twitter, and also msn are great resources for students, and even staff, as it is easier to communicate and also to pass out information. It gives them a platform to speak their minds, and also hear and be heard from different people, such as those from other students in other schools. It opens a platform for everyone from every place to do speak up about the problems which we face during our PBL. I am very sure that many students will agree with me on this, because we all do use social networking for daily purposes. As students, we are just mere voices within the school. What we can do would be to give suggestions on how the administrative board can work on the implementation of banning social networks. What we can suggest would be that you do not ban our usage of social networking, but deny it’s access during the 3rd meeting, as it is the most important part of the day. Speed and time is of the essence, and I am sure that the facilitators and staff of our school would agree with me as well. It is much easier to ask a friend whom is in another block within seconds on social networking rather than walking all the way and using up our precious time. I do hope that you do understand our point of view, and that you do get back to me about the banning of social networks. Please do think twice because this is something of very high importance to all students of the school. Please do contact me back at 113848@myrp.edu.sg. Yours Faithfully, Rytha Lew Chiu Min(representing class E25P ’11) 113848 Sports and Exercise Sciences School of Sports, Health and Leisure Tuesday, May 31, 2011 11:57 PM
When will you ever have time. When will you ever have proper time management. Obviously I asked you to go out with me on friday because we can spend the most time on that day. I repeat time and time again that I have trainings on mondays and wednesdays, and I coach on saturdays and sundays. I work on tuesdays also. I thought I made it really damn clear.You always don't talk to me first, and I always have to start the conversation. Okay, most of the time. And you always talk half way and run away. How the heck am I supposed to have a proper conversation with you. I'm taking away a lot of things to spend time with you, and I don't see you giving back the same effort. If you're busy doing work, I'll understand. But when you tell me you're doing work, and you're all over the place instead, of course I'm pissed. When I talk to you, I want to know whether you're really there talking to me. I see you giving heart shapes to other girls, and I'm pissed. I know I'm a little insane to follow you through your whole twitter, but isn't that what twitter is about? I tell you not to say vulgarities, and you go on and on and on and on with them, like it's not bothering me one bit. When you smoke, and you know I'm going to find out, or you're lying to me about it, which you have done every time, you're going to hell one step on and on. And with all that you're pushing me with, it's really Fucked up. Seriously. I'm at my edge already. The only one big thing that I asked you to do was give up on smoking. I know it's hard, but why can't you just make the effort for me. Is it so hard just to please me just this little bit. You talk to her, I just let it be. I don't even wanna know what you talk to her about. But it bothers me, but I don't want my bothering to bother you. When you didn't have me, you were chasing me like nobody's business. Now that you have me, I feel like I'm taken for granted. You're not appreciating the fact that I'm around. You can't even come up with some proper common sense. I wanna say everything good about you, which I have been, for a while. But after all this crap coming, how can I? How can I hide the fact that I'm unhappy with you? You're just not making the effort. I don't give a shit if you don't have any money, or if you have limited time. But can you just make the best out of it? I'm going my all out for it and you're actually standing there and waiting for that magic trick to come out of my hands? Come on, I went into this because I wanted to do this whole thing with you. It's one sided now. You're on your side, and I'm on my side. Decide when you wanna join sides, then tell me. Because I don't wanna drag a 2 person boat by myself, even when I know I can. I need you there. I need your support. I need someone. I'm lonely. I'm emotionally unstable. I'm cranky. I'm crazy. Over you. Stop pushing me on the edge. I'm on my own borderline. I'm working, studying, training, coaching, and going mad internally. I look normal, seem normal, sound normal, and make everyone think I'm normal. Everyone's wrong. You don't even tell me you love me anymore.
Monday, April 25, 2011 4:52 PM
![]() Happiness. and Joy. ![]() Strength. ![]() Sadness. ![]() Anger. When I first came into Republic, I thought. It would be like secondary school. I would just be my normal me, not close to anyone, but a friend to everyone. Then first came the FOP. Fun, too much fun. So close to my mates, and putting our everything into it for the people who put the best in us. Then it followed to the clique. Friends, so close, so friendly, so...talkable. What am I to say? It was a blast knowing them. Happiness flowed into me, I might just stick to them forever in poly. Why not? Again, it felt so right. So what am I supposed to do but just stay and enjoy. So much happiness flowing. With them around, I felt strong. I had people around me, who cared for me, and I acted like such a big sister. I took care of them, in a way or another. I set my mind to always make sure they were safe. I felt POWERFUL. I felt strength being put into my hands. I took things a little too far though. Maybe just a little too far. To even Bukit Batok. Then why sadness had to come, I don't understand. We started fighting. More people got hurt. I was hurt. I got things I wasn't supposed to get. I'm a person who just lets this move on. However, she took over and started to clear things up. And this was something I couldn't do ever for myself. Maybe that's the reason nobody actually stays around me. I could clear other's problems, but not my own. And this came in, and I was left dumbfounded. I started to keep quiet, because it seemed meaningless for me to say anything. I would either hurt someone else, or do something stupid. And I swore to just stand by her and do nothing but protect her, and hopefully them as well. She's taking it harder than me, and I know how it hurts, and I don't want her to suffer, especially because of them. It has become pain, even before the suffering start. Anger. They didn't bother. Why don't you ever bother. You try to help her, but now you cut everything off from me. What is this? What has this clique become? It became a debate team, with oppositions and neutrals. What to do now, you tell me. We try our best to do what we can to keep this together, yet the few of you are taking it apart with your bullshit and also your will to do nothing more than you are now. What are you doing? Being the momma's boy. Not trying to even fight for your right to spend time with us. I was on the verge of saying, are you seriously a man? It's okay to me, but what for the rest of us. And what's more. See her anger. I want to protect her, and yet I can't stop you from hurting her. Because she cares about you. And I do too. But what you're doing is just absolutely bullshit. People want to help you, and you just do this and that that piss us all off. At most times I'm so close to opening my mouth to scold you until you start crying. But what will that help? I will just loose a friend, and more problems will be created. So I keep myself shut. Until you're willing to say sorry. So you better do. I care, if not I wouldn't even be bothered and just leave. And I really want to protect her. So just please do what you need to do, as a man. Clear things out, and apologise. My emotions will take the better of me. So control me. Friday, April 22, 2011 11:35 PM
Happy you can say? I guess that's true. After going through Republic Poly's Freshmen Orientation Programme, I felt so much more livelier. I can't live without my batch of friends. I guess I'm starting to rely on people too much. My guard is being let down, my emotions are flowing sky high and I don't know how to control myself. Maybe I should take another few more protein balls and just run rounds around the school. I had so much fun, made so many friends and just rocked the world.I have nothing much to say except that I really just enjoyed myself too much during my first few weeks in Republic Poly. I am now officially a Republican. And I am rocking it. Tomorrow is 3 star assessment. How do I feel? Let's just put it. I feel like I'm not prepared again. To face the sea. To do my skills which I failed. To be taken under Calvin. I AM SCARED. And what am I going to do? I'm just going to stand tall and do the best I can. And mug the shit out of the stupid orange book. AND I BETTER PASS. clique: I love you guys. So please don't misunderstand me.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 10:51 PM
Ask yourself, are you broken yet?Yes I've broken. Ask yourself, are you broken yet? Yes, I've said, I've broken. Ask yourself, are you broken yet? Yes, I have broken. And I'm still going to say yes. Well, why don't you just jump off a building. Because if you say you're broken, I don't think you'll ever fix yourself. You won't even be talking. You'd be dead. Or stoned. Instead of doing everything else there in life, you're just wasting your time. Doing nothing. So what are you going to do. You're going to walk, look around, observe a little, and then feel. Because when you see other people broken, you know you've not suffered as much as them. So you start feeling better about yourself. And then you say to yourself, I'm so selfish. You start looking at the pretty things around you. You appreciate them, for just being them. The flower, for being so pretty, the grass, for being so soft. You appreciate your parents, for raising you to become who you are, a fine strong lady. You stood up for yourself all these years, why let one thing break you down now after you've come so far? So you stand up, you wake up, and tell yourself, I'm not going to give up just yet. Winner never quit, and quitters never win. So from then on, you don't quit. You suffer, take the pain, cry the tears, and you move on. You stand up, you walk, you smile, and you take a stand.
I may have broken, but I'm fixing myself right now. As that beautiful glass shatters, the big pieces which still stand firm are able to be rebuilt and recreated, and maybe into something much more beautiful and strong. And as it modifies, and as you modify, you grow stronger, and you grow even better and beautiful. Life's all about moving. And the moment you stop, you're not going to go anywhere until you start moving again. I can't stop. Because I know people rely on me. And I know I'm not weak anymore. I can stand up on my own two feet and walk, run and move. It doesn't take a smart person to say, I can still do it. And it doesn't take a strong willed person to say, I'm not going to give up. We were all born with a will, and now it depends on us on how we build this will to say "I will not quit". Are you broken now? Yes I broke, but I'm fixing myself back. And as I fix myself, I'll modify myself, and make myself even better, because I know that the crack that caused my life to break, has gone and now I have the ability to change for the better. Although new cracks and breaks will come in, I will have the power now to say that I will still fix myself. And that's what I'm going to do. Tuesday, March 8, 2011 12:42 AM
I found this in my notes in my files a few years back, and I did this note when I was in church once, and I feel this needs to be shared. Well, at least it doesn't have any christian quotes or whatsoever, so it can be applied no matter what.Why the best leaders are the best leaders The Best Leaders Give Their Best to Their People by... 1. Growing - To give people your best, you have to elevate your leadership capacity. - Metaphor: When walking up a narrow staircase, you can only go as fast as the person in front of you. When leaders grow, they ascend the stairs and create space for those behind them to climb higher. -Personal growth involves challenging yourself, and pushing beyond the realm of comfort. 2. Serving [Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile-Albert Einstein] -Serving others is an attitude issue. -But sadly, many leaders operate under a king-of-the-hill mentality. -Best leaders take a different approach. -They extend a hand to lift the performance of teammates and coworkers. -They function with a mindset of abundance and wield their influence to prop others up rather than to elevate themselves. -Serving is a motives issue, and the crux of the matter boils down to a simple question: "who?" -The best leaders set a tony by serving and prove they are deserving of being out in front. 3.Modelling -Growing leaders have something to share. -Serving leaders have something to give. -Modelling leaders have something to show. [Leaders tell, but never teach, until they practice what they preach-VJ Featherstone] -The best leaders embody their values. -Their passion exudes from every pore and demands respect. The Best Leaders Get the Best from Their People By... 1.Listening -The smartest leaders realise the limitations of their wisdom, and they listen to their people to capture invaluable insights. -They don't listen just to gain knowledge, they also listen to give people permission. .permission to challenge the process .permission to test assumptions .permission to take risks -Nothing turns off an up-and-coming leader like the dear ear of a superior. -Best leaders don't simply listen to incoming ideads, they proactively draw them out of their people. -They listen actively, not passively. 2.Relating -Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. -To touch a heart, a leader has to be open to disclosing his or her identity by sharing personal stories and owning up to professional weaknesses. -Mysterious or aloof leaders may be successful decision-makers, but they won't get the heartfelt loyalty that comes from authentic relationships. -Making a person feel known correlates powerfully to their job satisfaction. -Leaders dignify their people by studying their interests, learning about their families and finding out their hobbies. -Conscious of the power of connection, the best leaders refuse to be barricaded inside an office, and they take responsibility for relating with others on a regular basis. 3.Teaching -The best leaders have an infectious thirst for knowledge, and they take pride in cultivating knowledge of their craft and awareness of their industry. -A leader's teaching ability depends upon ongoing personal growth. [If you stop growing today, you stop teaching tomorrow-Howard Hendricks] 4.Developing -The best leaders understand the differences between training people for tasks and developing people to be better leaders. Training Developing [Focus on the job] [Focus on the person] [Adds value to specific things] [Adds value to everything] [Helpful for a short time] [Helpful for a lifetime] [Changes a performance] [Changes the performer] -The best leaders view their people as appreciable assets and prioritise investing in the talent of their teams. 5.Motivating -If you listen, relate, teach, and develop your people, then they will be motivated. -Sustained motivation comes by creating the right environment for your people and by doing the right things consistently nurture them. -Considering a flower .cannot grow in the artic(requires a climate conductive to growth) .but in the right environment, the flower must be[to fill in] .planted in hospitable soil, exposed to sunlight, watered, and freed of weeds. |
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